When my mommy gets tired of me,

And she says  "go play" you see,

I'll go skipping down the lane,

There to play with my little friend Wayne.

We will dance and we will sing!

We will live like  little kings!

Nobody knows how happy we'll be,

Just my little buddy and me!


In our little world of dreams,

No nation will be supreme!

Great are our little machine guns--

They will out blast the atom bomb!

Down by the brook we'll sail our ships

And all our enemies we will whip!

Nobody knows how happy we'll be'

Just my little buddy and me!


When the day has ended for  me,

I'll run along home to my mommy,

When I knell with her to pray

At the close of every day,

I'll thank God for a land that's free

Free for boys like Wayne and me.